Friday, September 21, 2012

Swordfish in a Cajun Cream Crab Sauce

This is a really quick and easy recipe to make any time. Swordfish is a great option and is very filling. I made mine with white rice but it's also good with couscous or any grain you like. This recipe was given to me by a guy at the grocery store because the swordfish was on sale. I started with his recipe but improvised the rest. This recipe makes enough for four or more depending on the steaks, but I usually make half this amount. What I like about this recipe is it's really easy and fast but it impresses people when they come over, all while only dirtying one pan.


4 Swordfish steaks
1 quart heavy cream
2 tbsp Cajun spices
16 oz can of lump crab meat
olive oil
* the ingredient amounts can be changed to taste. I often leave out the crab meat because it can be expensive.


Start by removing any skin off of the swordfish steaks then sprinkle both sides with salt and pepper. Be sure not to add too much salt since the crab and Cajun spices tend to add more saltiness.


Heat a large saucepan - or medium if making a half recipe - with olive oil to medium heat.

Add the swordfish to the saucepan and cook approximately 3/4 of the way through, make sure to flip the steaks at least once.

Remove the swordfish from the pan and put to the side. In the same pan add the cream, Cajun spices and the crab meat (if not using the crab meat add a dash of salt). Heat this mixture until it is nearly at a boil while stirring at the same time.

Return the the swordfish to the pan and continue to cook until the swordfish is cooked through. If you don't know if the swordfish is cooked through feel free to separate it with a fork to see if it is cooked through.

Now your swordfish is ready to eat. You can split the swordfish to feed more people, it is very filling. I like to put mine over warm white rice and pair it with a nice cold Dr. Pepper.

Here's my kitty sleeping:

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